Eugene Masonic Cemetery

     This historic treasure was a derelict, black-berry infested community liability when I first arrived at the site in 1994.  For the next three years I worked with the newly formed Masonic Cemetery Association to create and guide an innovative restoration plan that highlights native plants and natural ecosystems along with Eugene's cultural heritage.

     I organized work parties, spoke at neighborhood meetings, created community projects within the cemetery, authored both a short term and long term management plan, created planting designs, planted numerous native trees and flowers and designed cemetery structures including the Scatter Garden.

     All this to restore the cemetery to its historic Rural Cemetery Movement beauty.  What had become a public nuisance is now a community asset..


The Scatter Garden has become a revered cemetery feature.

Garden of Earthly Delights


     One of my favorite experiences has been working as project manager for BRING Recycling on this fast paced public project.  In one year we went from bare ground to a fully actualized garden featuring recycled materials and a wide selection of hardy and unusual edible plants.

     Starting with a base plan donated by Kate McGee, I developed the final design and helped choose and coordinate the many artistic elements.  To do this I organized a garden steering committee, recruited artists, solicited donations of materials and labor, and mentored U of O landscape students who worked on the planting plan.  One very enjoyable aspect was helping to design and build the colorful, innovative PVC fence with Serbian architect, Uros. (see banner photo above)

     I oversaw and worked with a range of people: general contractors, sub-contractors, architects, building inspectors, artists, volunteers, BRING management and employees.  The end result is a dynamic, high profile and successful public place.


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