Landing Garden Designs

   1625 Henderson Ave.   C-3

    Eugene, OR  97403


    541.556.3035 (cell)                                 



When I lost two massive trees during an ice storm, I asked Landing Garden Designs to redesign my yard. I asked for something easy to care for and serene.  What Charmane did exceeded my expectations.  Now when I go into my yard, my heart sings.  I couldn't be happier with the work done by Landing Garden Designs          Barbara Truax

 Just wanted to say thanks to you, too, for all your wonderful ideas and design.  The garden is so much more beautiful since you started working here.  And everyone you've recommended has been great.  It is such a pleasure to see!  I couldn't be happier.  Jennifer Jonak


My experience working with Charmane was wonderful. She used her amazing skills to transform my small yard from a pile of dirt and weeds into the most beautiful sanctuary. Her creative use of the small space was something I never would have envisioned on my own. The added personal touch of wine bottles around the border of each bed is something very special to me as many of the bottles were collected over a period of time from celebratory events with family and friends. Those memories are with me each moment I spend in my special space.”   Laura Theiss

"We really do LOVE our yard. Charmane, thank you so much for listening to what we wanted, putting it on paper and then having all the eye pleasing suggestions that have made our house a home.  Without your amazing knowledge of plants, we would have been lost.  Thanks for the adventure…your expertise has given us our own little paradise and the grandkids love it!" Linda & Harry Dodgen

"Charmane is a treasure who provided me with my own little garden of Eden.  She is great as a consultant working together with you in concept and planning . Each project is very unique and therefore reflects your vision as well as Charmane's. She is very much hands on and also has kept my garden what it is and has become over the last 7 years."  Karin Dunker

"I hired Landing Garden Design in the summer of 2010 after learning from my next-door neighbor about her work and being impressed by their garden. Since then she has designed and implemented plans for both the front and rear gardens. I am very pleased with her work and receive numerous compliments on my gardens not only from neighbors but also from casual passer-bys who enjoy the ambiance of our neighborhood.

Charmane and her assistant are both very easy to work with and very accommodating when I change my mind in mid-implementation. She also is exceptional in being able to translate my vague and often conflicting needs into workable plans that are both practical and beautiful. She has many contacts within the garden industry so that I have been able to hire first-rate subcontractors to implement certain features – the sprinkler and drip watering system, a new front porch, hardscape installation, tree removals, new lawns, etc. I have been very happy with their work as well as hers and would certainly recommend them as well." Sharon Barnard

"Charmane radically transformed my front yard!  What started out as a drab, dull eyesore of the neighborhood is now gloriously textured,  vibrantly colorful and harmonious.  Charmane collaborated with the stone  worker to design the gently undulating stairs and patio that establish a visual and functional approach to the garden. She chose plants that  highlight and complement each other, and with her highly trained artistic eye, arranged them beautifully and skillfully.  Now when people walk by, they stop and admire my yard with its delightful array of shapes and colors. Thanks to Charmane, I love sitting out on my patio on warm summer evenings!"       Jean Nelson






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