Inspired by the mosaics of Portugal and Greece, I create pebble mosaics custom designed and built to suit each client and circumstance.  Large or small, every one is carefully constructed to become a beautiful and lasting compliment to the landscape.

C I R C L I N G   K O I   

This piece is the result of the client's desire to memorialize her late husband in the Japanese garden he designed.  Together we created the motif of circling koi.  One fish is her favorite color red and the other is white.  This mosaic is a beautiful and fitting reminder of their time together.

 J A R D I N    S E C R E T

An admitted Francophile, this client desired a jardin secret (secret garden).  She imagined a place apart where she could sit in the cooling shade of the afternoon and contemplate a tree of life.  "A tree that could be dancing."

Creating a mosaic is an exciting and fulfilling journey.

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